The Amazing Day I Learned About The Spacesuit We All Wear

Yesterday, I listened to a talk by Tara Brach on Youtube entitled “Radical Acceptance Revisited” and learned about the spacesuit we all wear every day. The talk was based on her book, Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life with the Heart of a Buddha.  If you haven’t heard of her, Tara  Brach is an American psychologist who blends Western psychology with Eastern spiritual practices and mindfulness to promote emotional healing and spiritual awakening.  She also is a teacher and founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, D.C..

A Break from the Overwhelm

I took two days off work to reconnect with myself because of feelings of confusion, overwhelm, depression and dejection that I have been feeling.  The day started early with a “mini-self-retreat” that consisted of morning yoga to stretch, lengthen and connect with my body, tarot and meditation.  After eating a healthy breakfast made by me for me (sigh…it is good to lovingly prepare food for yourself!), I ventured outside to wander mindfully through the neighborhood.  All though cool for April in Virginia, it was a beautiful sunny day.  Birds were singing. Spring flowers and flowering trees a rainbow of colors to enjoy.  Flowers, moss, ground covering, tree bark beckoned to me and I reached out tentative, gentle fingers to caress them.  My lungs expanded with the sweet, spring air.  Contentedness swept through me and I fell into the universe, glorying in the part I play in it. 

Along with this contentedness, was also acceptance.  Acceptance in all that has happened in my life so far and acceptance of the fact that the “universe has my back.”  The word acceptance had been in the forefront of my mind for the last few days.  I kept hearing it on podcasts and reading it in quotes on Instagram.   When I arrived home, I searched for “radical acceptance” on Youtube and found Tara Brach.  I’ve done some of her meditations before, so I recognized the name and accepted that the universe was leading me to this talk. 

As I listened, my heart expanded, and my soul sighed.  I laughed, I cried.  Memories came up of my past and I grieved for how time passes us by…but I accepted that this can not change.  Memories came up of times that I always wish that I can go back and change…but I accepted and I forgave myself for the decisions I made at the time. 

The Spacesuit

The Spacesuit we all Wear

I listened with an open mind as Tara Brach talked about the spacesuit we all wear around day after day to protect ourselves. This space suit that we all wear keeps the true you hidden and afraid!  I thought…YES!!  I don this spacesuit every day to go to work, to see friends and family, to shop and go to the bank.  This sounds crazy, I know, but hear me out.  Every morning I wake up, drag myself out of bed and struggle into a monstrous, heavy, spacesuit and I close up the face shield and zip it up tight.  This spacesuit is my façade, the me that I think other people want to see.  It’s the “me” they like and want to hear from: the people pleaser.

But inside, inside this spacesuit …inside is where the real me hides!  The funny thing about this space suit is that it is like a chameleon.  It changes colors with each person I interact with.  It is the “whatever you want me to be” me. What it can’t ever be is…me!   The real me is buried under all the special layers of that suit. 

Taking It Off!

However, there are moments when I don’t have that spacesuit that we all wear on, or I have the face shield open to feel the breeze. These times I’m hiking, outdoors in nature or spending time with my wife, Shannon, dogs and chickens. I’m home, doing activities that I love to do, that make me feel inspired, creative and whole. Even when I’m doing some wacky work out in my garage, that spacesuit comes off.

I’m determined to do more things without that spacesuit on. Because that is when I feel free, and safe, and well….me! Join me and explore how it feels when you wear your space suit and how it feels when you take it off. Let me know what you learn!

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