I walked yesterday at Beaver Dams because I wanted to embrace my fear and sadness by walking through emotional barriers. Walking has always been a good way for me to do that. I didn’t have the time to do an overnight hike like I did years ago as I stumbled through my grief, but I live by the philosophy that a little is better than nothing. During my 3.5 mile walk I was able to hold my fear and sadness and offer it gentle love, like I would to a small child (aka, my inner child).
I did this by listening to music that inspires me to express myself. A lot of times I hold my grief in by holding my breath and tensing my body. This tension serves as a barrier and allows me to turn away from my intense emotions. Instead of closing myself off to these emotions I let them flow energetically through my body. Then, I released them. They came surging through my feet that were grounded in Mother Nature, coursed like lightening up my legs, into my torso until they reached my chest. Then they burst out of my mouth in song. I sang loudly. I probably sang badly. But I sang. I sang as I walked. I even stood on top of a bench and belted out “What about Us” by Pink!
Yes….there were people there! A lady actually walked by with her dog as I stood on my make shift stage! I didn’t care because I felt so empowered. I was proud that I was feeling my sadness and giving it an outlet. Then this feeling of singing on top of a mountain (ok, bench) made me laugh! That is when something broke inside me and the laughter turned to tears. I wrapped my arms around myself and sang myself a lullaby. I gave myself the love that I would give to any other human being who is expressing their grief, because, I too, am human.
I think we forget that. I know I do. I hold myself accountable to all these rules and societal stigmas and I forget that I am just a human being, who feels all sorts of emotions on a daily basis! These emotions become trapped inside our frail bodies. Sometimes these emotions can make us sick physically (headaches, fatigue, stomach and bowel issues, etc. and so on) and sometimes they close us off to interacting with people in our lives and the world in a healthy manner. Sometimes, these emotions cause fear and we throw up barriers that might not have been there. These barriers say “I can’t because…” or “I am stupid so I can’t” or “I am afraid, so I won’t.”
I am tired of feeling sick. I am tired of feeling stuck behind these barriers of my own making! Break through with me! Walk with me and together we will walk right through our barriers and come out on the other side! It won’t take just one walk, one day or one song. However, if we do enough of it, if we start accepting our emotions and expressing them when we feel them, we will climb the mountain and belt out our song!
Join me in my next walk and find out all the things I use to walk through your emotional barriers! Call, text, email or comment and we will do it together!
Your Life Coach,